Too Not to Handle
The show Too Hot to Handle is a perfect example of how bullshit pop psychologist / venture capitalist combos are 🤑💭
They claim to Objectively be able to watch and see if an emotional connection between cishet couples is “real”. I call this uncashable future technological promises.
They set up an island paradise with people seen as the most conventionally attractive (cisheteronormative standards) and then they sexually and financially shame/penalizing them prize money for weeks, while hosting sensationalized “workshops” and showcasing imperfect technology.
The show is little more than a media team’s scripted alive Barbie playhouse. All the same horrific colonial capitalist fetishizing and commodification norms. They profit from the sexually violent ecology and the cishet orgasm gap, claiming to “correct” “bad” connection.
Seeing the way the horror show plays out in each culture (Brazil, Germany, etc.) is fascinating to see. It’s a case study in how exploited to participate in late stage neoliberal capitalism global models are, even if it means their queerness(es) will be overtly cishet fetishized.